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NRF Big Ideas Session:
The Forecast Calls for “Gains”

Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 Time: 09:15 AM - 09:45 AM

The forecast calls for “Gains”:
Using weather analytics to improve financial performance

Tuesday, January 14  |  9:15-9:45 a.m.  |  Expo Level 3, Stage 3 

The weather is more often associated with “pain” than “gain” for retailers. Yes, there are risks that need to be proactively managed, but the ever-changing daily conditions also present a huge, untapped opportunity for companies that use weather analytics to stay ahead of shifting demand patterns. Hear how leading consumer brands incorporate weather impacts to improve service levels and grow sales by optimizing inventories, improve margins by adjusting pricing, promotions, and operational resources, and more effectively engage customers with better-targeted digital marketing.

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